by Dr. Oler, ND | May 4, 2017 | Health and Wellness, Inflammation, Nutrition, Testing Category
Biochemical individuality is a really cool sounding term (really cool to people like me:)) that simply means that every’s nutritional needs are different. These unique nutritional needs are based on each person’s genetics, lifestyle, diet and environmental exposure to various stresses. Biochemistry is a complex web of interactions that controls the way your body uses and/or responds to the things you take into your body (food, drink, supplements, medications, pollutants, stresses, etc.) and how that translates into how your body functions. For your body (biochemistry) to function properly, your body requires the right amounts and proportions of nutrients. This amount is dependent on you – the amount of a certain nutrient required by the average person (or another person) may not be the optimal amount you need for proper health (this is one of the reasons the RDA/DRI reported for nutrients is misleading at best – more on that later). (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Mar 17, 2015 | Cleansing, Depression, Fatigue, Hormone Imbalance, Immune System, Natural Remedies, Nutrition
We’ve all heard about the incredible amount of toxins that we are exposed to everyday. What you may not be aware of is that most people choose to take in many, if not most, of these toxins, albeit they are unaware they are doing so. (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Feb 17, 2015 | Depression, Fatigue, Natural Remedies, Natural Weight Loss, Naturopathic Health, Stress |
One of the most common and long-standing methods told to those that are ‘stressed out’ is to exercise, and usually, to exercise hard. This makes some sense if you look at it, as it would appear that a person that is ‘revved up’ has some ‘energy to burn’ and what better way to get rid of that energy than to do something that is healthy for you, like exercise. Unfortunately, this is one instance where common sense leads us astray and can make the underlying issue much, much worse. (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Feb 10, 2015 | Natural Remedies, Naturopathic Health |
How you live your life on a daily basis and how you react to the people and environment around you has a major impact on sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) nervous system balance. Those that are SNS-dominant often feel nervous, jittery or tense because of the SNS-dominance; this makes it all the more important to incorporate activities throughout the day to help calm down and release negative thoughts and feelings. (more…)
by Dr. Oler, ND | Feb 5, 2015 | Eating Naturally, Natural Remedies, Naturopathic Health, Nutrition |
What you eat can have a dramatic impact on the balance and function of the sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) nervous systems. Most often, people experience SNS dominance (to determine SNS or PNS dominance, see this post); the following recommendations can be used to calm the sympathetic nervous system. (more…)