Welcome to Optimal Body Balance Online Weight Loss Program!
The Optimal Body Balance program has been used by thousands of people across the country to help them shed pounds and inches and it works especially well for those people that have “tried everything” but haven’t been able to achieve the weight they wanted.
That’s because the Optimal Body Balance program is different – we’ve discovered that each person has specific underlying causes that prevent them from losing weight and keeping it off. We call these underlying metabolic imbalances (UMIs). This course is designed to:
- Help you determine your specific UMIs
- Teach you how and why they prevent weight loss
- Provide you with the tools and techniques you need to finally address them once and for all
Membership Has Its Privileges
As an Optimal Body Balance Online Program Member, you’ll have access to all the handouts, videos and worksheets for the program and be able to order products online through our sister site Natural Solutions for a Healthy You.
Be sure and check your email frequently for special Optimal Body Balance Online Program Members Only discounts on products, testing, services, seminars and webinars.
Welcome to the Optimal Body Balance Online Program; if we can ever be of service, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
— Chad Oler, ND & Sarah Droege, Nutritionist