How to Get Your Brain Out of Binge Mode

How to Get Your Brain Out of Binge Mode

Ever had a night like this? You swing by the store to pick up just one thing, but as you wait in line at the checkout a chocolate bar or bag of chips catches your eye. You know these aren’t good for you but you feel compelled to buy them anyway and scarf them down in the car on the way home. Here are some tips to break this unconscious cycle and get your brain out of binge mode.

The Impact of Neurotransmitter Imbalance

The Impact of Neurotransmitter Imbalance

Neurotransmitter imbalances can cause an incredibly wide range of health issues. The reason is clear: neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that relay information between the brain and the rest of the body; if neurotransmitter imbalances are present, improper information gets sent. In essence, the wiring of the body gets fouled up and this can have a very wide range of effects. (more…)

How Can I Find a Provider Near Me That Uses Amino Acid Therapy?

How Can I Find a Provider Near Me That Uses Amino Acid Therapy?

We get requests everyday from people looking for a practitioner in their area that uses amino acid therapy. The best place to start is to contact NeuroResearch at and ask them if there is anyone near you that has taken a training with Marty Hinz, MD in your area; they have the most complete list of providers in the country and should be able to find someone you can contact. (more…)

How the Brain Responds to Artificial Sweeteners

How the Brain Responds to Artificial Sweeteners

There have now been studies on over 100,000 people (!) that show that the consumption of artificial sweeteners  leads to weight gain. Researchers have been investigating this counter-intuitive phenomena for decades with some very interesting results. However, one of the newer discoveries has to do with how artificial sweeteners affect brain signaling. As it turns out, these effects can have a dramatic impact on our appetite. (more…)